20 Ton Pile Driver Hammer Drill Bit Set Excavator Hydraulic Hammer For Pile Driving Equipment New Product Sale Quality
jisan pile hammer 2022.pdf Features 1. Special steel material with high ductility and wear resistance. 2. Driven by motor, utilizing a kind of exciting force produced by reciprocating motion of centrifugal force up and down. 3. Original imported motor, more durable, high swinging speed and frequency. 4. All bearings are originally imported with longer life service. 5. Flexible single chuck, double chuck styles can be designed. Vice Ar m High-str ength manganese pla t e s t eel that g r eatly imp r o v ed fatigue r esistance, adopt diffe r ent design models with elect r onic or h y draulic cont r ol t o meet diffe r ent operating needs. Contr ol Cen t er The newly dev eloped small squa r e b o x is equipped with ci r cuit cont r ol, which ma k es installation easier and sa v es pipeline costs. Rubber s Equipped with new type o f anti-fatigue shoc k -absorbing block t o r educe the w ear o f moving p a r ts and inc r ease the se r vice life o f the whole machine. T eath Pla t e It uses the high-str ength and w ea r - r esistant alloy ma t erials p r ocessed th r ough the heat t r eatment t o optimize the mechanical p r ope r ties and imp r o v e safet y , stabilit y , and w ear r esistance. Clamp ( R eplacement) The use o f high-st r ength alloy clamping nozzles optimizes the structu r e o f the oil cylinder and the swing a r m, so that the clamping fo r ce can be inc r eased by 2 times, and the pile can be pulled out without」umping the clamp. R otating Mo t or Gear Body P ar k er Mo t or Dedicat ed h y draulic mo t or is high efficiency and envi r onmental friendl y . Double oil supplement device is used t o ex t end the life o f the mo t o r .